DEAL WITHOUT AGENT! WELCOME and AGREEMENT offers buyers and sellers, renters and landlords, the platform to do business directly with each other. But agents are still welcome to post your information here for your clients with only one condition which is honest. Agents must disclose your information when you are posting any information to make sure people understand your situation, including names, agency/brokerage/company, contact information.
Risks are everywhere, especially for big transactions like properties or businesses. So make sure you know what you are doing, you know how to do the due diligence, you know to avoid risks. If you don't know, please find a professional person to do it for you, or learn everything by yourself. We,, are not going to take any responsibilities for your loss, or your damage, you are on your own. We don't guarantee anything for the information from this website. You agreed all the above if you continue to use anything from this website.
Buy & Sell Directly Without Agent! Welcome & Agreement
It's not a surprise.
Either lower your standard or you can post your requirement and let people contact you.